Contact us

Who we are

International commercial and technical team.

Professional agricultural and sales/marketing experts from Asia, South America and Europe with high expertise in food and beverage market products around Asia, Europe and Latin America.

our people

Maria Awad
Managing Director
  • Agronomist Engineer
  • Dairy specialist
  • Global business savvy
  • Multilingual
Cecilia Salazar
Admin/Project Management
  • Administrative management
  • Project management
  • Marketing and sales
Christina Su
Marketing and Sales Assistant
  • Public relations specialist
  • Industrial design
  • F&B development
  • Multilanguage
Ambre Lecrique
Marketing communciations/Global business
  • Sales, marketing and communications
  • Global business
  • Food & beverage
  • Multilingual

Where we are


We know our clients' market of origin. We understand their business habits
We are aware of their macro-environment, We understand one another


We offer a better service by behind located in the Asian customers. We are experienced on Asian markets. We master the Asian business customs. We manage cross-cultural environment. We speak the languages, we have the know-how.

How we think

Mission: Outstanding support

To develop and give added value to your Agro-sector companies in Asian markets with comprehensive services based on our agro-food expertise, providing solutions and global connections, supported by technical marketing & sales.

To answer your global needs as manufacturers, to support you with market intelligence, adapting and promoting your products to export markets.

Vision: First Place

Be the number 1 international Commercial and Technical consultancy company in Asia for Latin American companies.